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Working on Superyachts

Working on a superyacht can be exciting, challenging and command a good earning and reputation.

For us, Maldivians, are we up to the mark to work on board these floating five-star hotels?

A handful of optimistic Maldivians have attained this success and are working on board worldwide on Superyachts which are owned by Royals, Emirs, and billionaires. Young men and women entering the Superyacht industry must be disciplined, ready to take the challenge, energetic, dynamic, possess good PR skills and so on.

Where do we start when one intends to take up this career in the Maldives?

Here are some tips that could assist to take up a job as a Superyacht Crew

  1. Complete the secondary education
  2. Take up any course which includes training in hospitality, food, and beverage, customer service, etc. Experience in the hospitality industry is a credit for any job seeker.
  3. Undergo Basic Safety Training which includes courses such as Proficiency in Survival Techniques, Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting, Proficiency in Medical First Aid, Personal Safety and Social Responsibility, Security Awareness Training and Proficiency in Designated Security Duties.
  4. Get your training in the “ABC” of how to work in a Superyacht by completing the Superyacht Crew Course.
  5. Now arrives at the stage where to look for employment. Well, based on experience there are decent and reputed online crew recruiting sites for Superyachts. It is advised to choose a Company from Western Europe, Meditteranean (Monaco, Antibes, Palma) and the United States. A word of caution here is that YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO PAY ANY RECRUITING COMPANY, NOR THE RECRUITMENT COMPANY CAN DEMAND ANY PAYMENT TO JOIN A YACHT OR A SEA-GOING VESSEL. The only expense to be borne by a candidate will be expenses for travel documents such as Passport, CDC (Seaman’s Book which is issued by Transport Authority Maldives), International Vaccination Certificate (issued by the Port Health, Maldives) and Medical Certificate. For further guidance please read the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006) on—ed_norm/—normes/documents/publication/wcms_170388.pdf and

How will be life onboard?

This is the perfect gateway to explore the world, visit the luxury holiday destinations. Men and women who wish to work on board should be physically and mentally fit to take this challenge. One’s objective should always be to get his/her job done professionally and keep the Owners and Superiors satisfied. As you will be taking care of this million dollar properties, room for error is none. Further, you have to be aware that there is zero tolerance for Drug and Alcohol abuse and misconduct.

How much can you earn?

A Deckhand (Crew) of a 40-meter Superyacht can earn at least Euros 2000  monthly and earnings of a stewardess can be at least Euros 2500 per month. This information is from a reputed Crew Management Company in the Mediterranean.

Decide what you should do

Our hard-working young men and women must never hesitate to take this challenging career. Travel abroad and work in a multinational environment. Maldivians have proved their skills and ability on all the oceans. Take pride and start taking steps one by one.

For guidance, interested candidates may contact this website and we will endeavor our best to assist you.